Pastoral Care

HEALING SERVICES: The Healing Service happens three times a year. These

services start with a short time of worship, followed by a testimony, a message or a

meditation. A lit candle symbolizes God’s presence. Participants are invited to kneel

at the altar rail for prayer but may remain in their seats and just raise a hand for

prayer if that is more comfortable. Contact Jean on 082 469 4397 for more


PRAYER MINISTRY: A confidential prayer ministry in the form of a prayer chain is

available for those in need of prayer. Contact Ansie on 060 766 3135 to place a

loved one on our prayer list or for more information.

GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE: A quiet and tranquil space where the ashes of

loved ones can be placed in the ground, and a plaque purchased for the wall, in

remembrance of a loved one who has passed. Contact the church office for further


GRIEFSHARE: A 13 week programme which meets weekly to help those who are

struggling with grief. Grief can be a very lonely and isolating journey so please

contact Ina on 083 443 3388 if you have any questions.

GOD’S PANTRY: Groceries are packed for needy families every month. This

ministry is very dependent on the generosity of our congregation as well as the

fundraising efforts of the Jumble and Book Sales. Contact Bongi on 082 474 8488 for

more information.

TWICE BLESSED: Come and visit our on-site Secondhand Shop which is open from

Monday to Friday from 9-1pm. We sell good quality clothes at very reasonable

prices. Also household and kitchen items, including linen and knick-knacks. We

would be grateful to receive any unwanted items still in good condition. All proceeds

go towards funding our feeding schemes. Any help with sorting and selling in the

shop would be appreciated.

SARMIES FOR SOULS: Please consider joining one of our feeding projects which

involves making and giving out sandwiches to those in need on our local streets.

Contact Debbie on 082 411 3698.

PASTORAL CONVERSATIONS: This ministry offers listening in a safe and

confidential setting to anyone in need of a listening ear. The team is trained,

supported and supervised by the Institute for Creative Conversations. See more at

Training courses on listening, narrative therapy and other related topics are also

offered. These courses are intended for all, as they encourage personal and

corporate growth. Contact Debbie on 082 411 3698 for more information.